Monday, October 20, 2008


Name Ian heartfield
Date 17/10/08
Film content review sheet

Name of film untitled

Name of creator or films artist Ian heartfield

Duration about 3 mints

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The visual image I will use in colour and from high angle, I am not sure what location I will go to. I will try and go as many high up places as possible. I won’t use actors just member of the pubic. The idea of the video is how some county have so many problems in it past and other have problems have very little but the one with a lot of problems is better off in team of the look of the landscape and the one with out.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The audio will be non dietetic. It will mostly be the sound of the plane and the sound of car and other noise like in shopping centres and other busy place. I will probably use the sound of the plane engine.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

800 word analysis

For your 800 word Analysis you might want to follow the following structure I would recomend using at least 3 diffrent examples.
Koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances), Gisele kerosene, 1001 nights, The girl chewing gum, Doll faces
1. Discuss both past and current artists and works (200 words)
discuss at least three of the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them. Not your own opinions!

Koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) was made in the 80s and is more visual then telling lies which are mostly non-diegetic sound and made in 2001. the film are different in that telling lies use text and sound to explain what is going on and koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) is more visual and is telling the story on man kinds great amusement over the part 20 years and the rush life style they people have in modern day life. Gisele kerosene is made in the 80s you can tell by still of clothes they are wearing and of the buildings in the background.

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)
How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

Koyaaisqatsi was made use footage from library and adding non diegetic music over the top. But 1001 night used diegetic sound because you can see the where the sound is coming from. Gisele kerosene uses non diegetic sound because it was made use stop animation. The girl chewing gum was film in black and white because colour film was expensive in the 70s and using non-diegetic sound but there is some part of the film that you can see where the sound is coming form. But the sound is added later on. The director is not being hide the camera and telling the people in the shot what to do. He is describing what people and the object are doing. By dubbing his voice over the film. In some part of the film he purposely doesn’t get it right. You can tell when the film where made because of the picture quality is a lot clearer in the film made today dew technology being more advance then one made in the 70s and 80s.

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)
Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

1001 night has five short stories in the film but they are all about the same topic a female villager out look on war. Each of the five stories has the same sort of begin middle and end. They are all about what the women watching what happen to there village, how they acted to what happened and they overcome the lost of someone important to them. Gisele Kerosene story line isn’t as series compared to 1001 night. The basic story line is some takes something impotent to a group of people and they chases him throw the town, one by one they crash in to building in the town and in the end the man give the item back he stole form them. 1001 night I think has more of a story line to Gisele kerosene because it gives you a
In side to someone life from a different coacher and how they deal with what is going on around them. Where as Gisele kerosene has no mean and is just for entertainment.

4. The use of exhibition space to create meaning (100 Words)
How does the exhibition space change the meaning of the work. To be done later next week.

5. How these works might inspire your own work (100 Words)
talk about your own ideas and how they may have been inspired by the work that you have seen.

The Idea I have came from Gisele kerosene to use stop animation and recreate a part of a town or city out of Lego and use the lego people to represent real people and what goes on during normal day. but it will take a long time to do and I will have to do all of it at home. Another idea I have is to use some of the video I did when I have on holiday and compare the two counties. I need to think about what type of shot to do because the video of the cez republic was done in the air and very shaky in places.

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)
was the reaction different within the group? Does this matter? Is it important that we all have one interpretation?

1001 night I think made it audience think about what is going on in Iraq and other places like it And it gives the audience a good inside in to people lives. I notice when we watch it in the lesson every one in the lesson was quite and no one spoke till we where ask to and all the comment about the film where serious. Telling lies I don’t think it was meant to be funny but the audience found it funny because the wording on the screen went what he was saying. And the film Gisele kerosene had the same sort of reaction as telling lies. I think the audience like it because of what happen to the characters in the chase scene. Girl chewing gum I think the audience was confused with the film because of the sound and what was going on to words the end when the director started to talk about the people and where they came from and what they are doing. Doll faces the audience knew what the mean to the video was, which was how everyone try’s to be like the people on t.v and in magazines and some people put them self at risk by doing it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works (200 words) discuss at least three of the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them. Not your own opinions!
Koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) was made in the 80s and is more visual then telling lies which are mostly non-diegetic sound and made in 2001. the film are different in that telling lies use text and sound to explain what is going on and koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) is more visual and is telling the story on man kinds great amusement over the part 20 years and the rush life style they people have in modern day life. Gisele kerosene is made in the 80s you can tell by still of clothes they are wherein and of the buildings in the background.
2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words) How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

Koyaaisqatsi was made use footage from library and adding non diegetic music over the top. But 1001 night used diegetic sound because you can see the where the sound is coming from. Gisele kerosene uses non diegetic sound because it was made use stop animation. The girl chewing gum was film in black and white because colour film was expensive in the 70s and using non-diegetic sound but there is some part of the film that you can see where the sound is coming form. But the sound is added later on. The director is not being hide the camera and telling the people in the shot what to do. He is describing what people and the object are doing. By dubbing his voice over the film. In some part of the film he purposely doesn’t get it right. You can tell when the film where made because of the pitcher quality is a lot clearer in the film made today dew technology being more advance then one made in the 70s and 80s.
3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

1001 night has five short stories in the film but they are all about the same topic a female villager out look on war. Each of the five stories has the same sort of begin middle and end. They are all about what the women watching what happen to there village, how they acted to what happened and they overcome the lost of someone important to them. Gisele Kerosene story line isn’t as series compared to 1001 night. The basic story line is some takes something impotent to a group of people and they chases him throw the town, one by one they crash in to building in the town and in the end the man give the item back he stole form them. 1001 night I think has more of a story line to Gisele kerosene because it gives you aIn side to someone life from a different coacher and how they deal with what is going on around them.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


craft is a skill it may refer to a trade or particular art.

concept mean the idea behind something

context mean to lie and only say part of what was said