Monday, October 20, 2008


Name Ian heartfield
Date 17/10/08
Film content review sheet

Name of film untitled

Name of creator or films artist Ian heartfield

Duration about 3 mints

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The visual image I will use in colour and from high angle, I am not sure what location I will go to. I will try and go as many high up places as possible. I won’t use actors just member of the pubic. The idea of the video is how some county have so many problems in it past and other have problems have very little but the one with a lot of problems is better off in team of the look of the landscape and the one with out.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The audio will be non dietetic. It will mostly be the sound of the plane and the sound of car and other noise like in shopping centres and other busy place. I will probably use the sound of the plane engine.

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