Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works (200 words) discuss at least three of the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them. Not your own opinions!
Koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) was made in the 80s and is more visual then telling lies which are mostly non-diegetic sound and made in 2001. the film are different in that telling lies use text and sound to explain what is going on and koyaanisqatsi (life with out balances) is more visual and is telling the story on man kinds great amusement over the part 20 years and the rush life style they people have in modern day life. Gisele kerosene is made in the 80s you can tell by still of clothes they are wherein and of the buildings in the background.
2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words) How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

Koyaaisqatsi was made use footage from library and adding non diegetic music over the top. But 1001 night used diegetic sound because you can see the where the sound is coming from. Gisele kerosene uses non diegetic sound because it was made use stop animation. The girl chewing gum was film in black and white because colour film was expensive in the 70s and using non-diegetic sound but there is some part of the film that you can see where the sound is coming form. But the sound is added later on. The director is not being hide the camera and telling the people in the shot what to do. He is describing what people and the object are doing. By dubbing his voice over the film. In some part of the film he purposely doesn’t get it right. You can tell when the film where made because of the pitcher quality is a lot clearer in the film made today dew technology being more advance then one made in the 70s and 80s.
3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

1001 night has five short stories in the film but they are all about the same topic a female villager out look on war. Each of the five stories has the same sort of begin middle and end. They are all about what the women watching what happen to there village, how they acted to what happened and they overcome the lost of someone important to them. Gisele Kerosene story line isn’t as series compared to 1001 night. The basic story line is some takes something impotent to a group of people and they chases him throw the town, one by one they crash in to building in the town and in the end the man give the item back he stole form them. 1001 night I think has more of a story line to Gisele kerosene because it gives you aIn side to someone life from a different coacher and how they deal with what is going on around them.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

This is good Ian. Can you go back through and read what you have written, check spellings and word use e.g.
"wherein" instead use wearing
"pitcher" instead use picture
"being hide" instead use behind

You explain what is going on now I want you to go through and talk about the effects that these elements in each chapter have on our understanding of the Videos.