Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Post production diary

Post production I felt was the longest part of the project as I spent a week doing it. During this time I had some problems the first one was the Mac that I was using didn’t save the footage in I movie so I had to upload it again the next lesson. Once the footage was up I spent some time editing out the part of the footage I didn’t want this turned out to be quit a bit as the was thirty minutes and I needed a maxim of five minutes.

I then spent the rest of the week looking to the effect on I move and choosing the one’s I like to put in the film and looking for a suitable sound track. I chose a song called “Every body loves a chubby dude” but because of copyright law I couldn’t use it. I was disappointed by this because in the footage that I did use there where to pigeons on the bird feed’s eating.

I chose several different effect which I think look good in the exhibition space the I have chosen. I finished post production on the 9 of December by put the video on to D.V.D and creating a D.V.D menu.

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